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For this class, an access code is provided to you by the campus bookstore, but at FULL RETAIL!!

This is the EXACT same access code, but at a discounted rate.

To avoid paying for the campus bookstore’s code, you must opt via two links. 


The first link will reimburse your tuition for the cost of the bookstore’s access code you no longer need.  The opt-out form can be found at:

This form is easy to fill out, but you MUST opt out before the add/drop date (01-21-25)!


There will be a second link on your Canvas, it may be under course content or tools in the course that looks like this:

You would click on the blue Opt-Out Form.


After filling out this form, this will enable you to enter our access code via Canvas.

If you are unable to find this form via Canvas, you are to reach out to the instructor teaching the class as they choose the material and build their courses.